Palliative Care

Physical Rehabilitation

Dr. Henderson has advanced physical rehabilitation training and is excited to offer this service and in-house care at home. This is especially helpful for pets who can not easily travel to a rehabilitation centre.
Senior Pets

We have a special place in our hearts for our senior pets and truly want them to live their very best lives. As our pets age, their needs and issues change as well. Their nutrient and calorie
requirements change and they are more likely to become ill. We recommend that senior pets be examined at least twice per year. During this screening and in-house care we will address the individual patient’s needs through a thorough history, addressing, nutrition, exercise, enrichment, behaviour, sleeping patterns and disease concerns.
We also recommend senior screening, including blood, urine and ultrasound screening. Once we have compiled all of the information we will sit with you and create a plan to help you maintain your senior’s best quality of life.
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At Home End of Life

Each of us know what it is like to lose a pet. We have been there and we know that it is one of the toughest decisions that you will ever have to make. We want you to feel that you have
some control and support as we assist you in the decision making process. We will guide you through your pets disease process, prognosis and quality of life, always taking you and your concerns into the equation.
We can assist you in making the difficult decisions and if you so chose we offer euthanasia at home, in a peaceful setting. We take our time to ensure that you and your pet are as comfortable as possible during such a very difficult time.
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Laser Therapy

We offer laser therapy as part of our in-house care rehabilitation program as well as for inflammatory diseases such as ear and skin lesions that respond well to laser therapy.

We understand that we are living in unprecedented times and that getting to a vet may not always be possible or safe. To assist you in continuing to provide veterinary care for your pet
we are offering telehealth consultations. If you are unable to get your pet to the vet or receive in-house care, but have a medical concern you can consult with Dr. Henderson through video conference where appropriate. Dr. Henderson can help you make a decision regarding further care or can assist in making difficult decisions. In either case we are here to help.
If you would like to book a telehealth appointment, you can contact our office by phone/text or email or book using the button below. Read More
If you would like to book a telehealth appointment, you can contact our office by phone/text or email or book using the button below. Read More
Illness and Injury Assessments and Plans

We know how frightening it can be when your pets are ill and injured, after all they can’t tell us what’s wrong. We have all been there ourselves. We are here with our in-house care to support you as we discover
the problem, address it and work to create plans for you to care for your ill or injured pet.
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Nutritional Consults

Nutrition is the cornerstone to health. Pets require specific nutrients and calories to obtain optimal health. We can discuss your pets unique needs and recommend a food that will
best compliment their health and lifestyle with our in-house care service.
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Weight Management Plans

Obesity is a real concern in our pets. It can affect overall health and has been shown to reduce overall life expectancy by about 2 years. We can help you with our in-house care to determine the appropriate
weight and body condition for your pet. We offer a well rounded service, which includes, nutrition, exercise and enrichment. We can even weigh and package your pets meals for you to ensure that they are obtaining the correct daily calories.
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Puppy and Kitten

Our paediatric examinations include a thorough history to learn as much about you and your new pet as possible, a head to tail examination to assess their overall health as well as a
consultation to discuss your concerns. We will discuss health, nutrition, safety, training and grooming along with any other concerns you may have. We do recommend that you have a stool sample ready for us to test at your first in-house care visit but otherwise relax as we come to you to take the stress out of taking your young pet to an unfamiliar place.
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Healthy Adult

Early detection of disease is important for optimal health so we recommend that your pet have an examination and consultation annually in order to assess their health. This is the
perfect opportunity to bring up any concerns you may have as we perform a head to tail examination during your in-house care visit. We will discuss your pet’s overall health and provide you with healthy pet and nutrition plans.
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We recommend the vaccines that best suit your pet’s lifestyle. Vaccines are important to protect our pets against dangerous diseases. Some of these diseases, such as Rabies are
fatal and also transmittable to humans so vaccination of your pet can protect you and your family as well.
Some pets are at higher risk for some diseases and not for others. In order to determine the best vaccination protocol for your pet we will examine their lifestyle risks duing your in-house care visit and come up with the best plan for vaccinations.
Dog Vaccines We Offer
Rabies Vaccine DAPP or Core Vaccine( Distemper Vaccine, Parvovirus Vaccine, Adenovirus Vaccine, Parainfluenza Vaccine) Leptospirosis Vaccine, Lyme Vaccine, Bordetella Vaccine (Kennel Cough)
Cat Vaccines We Offer
Rabies Vaccine FvRCP or Core Vaccine (Feline Viral Rhinotracheaitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia) Feline Leukemia Vaccine
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Wellness Testing

In order to detect disease early and maintain the optimal heath of your pet we recommend annual blood and parasite testing. We are able to collect samples during an in-house care visit and report
results back to you within 1-2 days.
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Parasite Prevention

Parasites can spread disease and a nuisance. We want to prevent them from affecting your pet so during your in-house care visit, we will tailor an individual parasite prevention plan based on your pet’s current lifestyle.
Common parasites that we prevent include, fleas, ticks, heart worms, and intestinal parasites.
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