
Precious (February 13th, 2005 - October 24th, 2020) My sleepy little angel baby. My best friend of 15 years. She taught me what unconditional love is and gave my life purpose. I am forever grateful that she chose me to be her mom, and thankful for letting me take care of her and all [...]


Tango (April 20th, 2002 - November 24th, 2018) Tango was my childhood dog; we brought him home when I was 8 years old and from that point onward, I couldn’t remember what life was like without him. He brought so much joy to everyone and became a huge part of our family. Tango had [...]


Jacob Jacob, Radar, Caramel Head, Cookie Nabber was my constant companion through vet school and my first 10 years of practice. Caring for him was my stress relief through gruelling exams and clinicals. He was my protector as we travelled half way across the country together without a single complaint. Always up for an [...]


Cookie Cookie and Junnie and Diesel I’ll never forget you you are always in my heart and thoughts.


Bianco (March, 2005- December 24th, 2019) Our beloved Bianco My buddy as I nicknamed him was my precious boy who was full of life. Loved to sleep with me, and when I was sick never left my side always made me happy He protected his pack even when he was sick. He loved his [...]


Mia To my beautiful Mia, My heart is broken and I miss you so much.The house is so quiet now and wait for you to come into my office. You were my companion and best friend for over 17 years. You were there when I needed comforting and there to make me laugh. I [...]

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