How do I know when my pet is in pain?

How do I know if my pet is in pain; they aren’t whining or yelping? This is such a great question.  Pets are so good at hiding pain that it is often really difficult to detect.  Pain is complex, even more so in our pets who can’t tell us where it hurts, or if it [...]

The Case of the Missing Teeth

February is Veterinary Dental Health Month. A month to highlight the importance of dental health in our pets and especially our seniors. Read about Lela and her dental health journey.

Diabetes Mellitus in Cats and Dogs

Most of us know at least a little bit about Diabetes Mellitus in humans but did you know that cats and dogs can develop Diabetes Mellitus as well? Diabetes Mellitus is a disease in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and it affects cats and dogs as well as humans. When there [...]

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