
This is when your pet should see a veterinarian right away:

  1. Pale or blue gums
  2. Difficulty breathing
  3. Collapse
  4. Dizziness or circling
  5. Extreme bloated abdomen
  6. Severe weakness
  7. Seizures
  8. Sudden severe pain
  9. Severe bleeding
  10. Body temperature more then 40 °C or less than 37.2 °C

Please call your veterinarian if you see these things:

  1. Vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Not eating
  4. Any increase in eating, drinking, urinating or panting
  5. Very quiet
  6. Crying in pain
  7. Limping
  8. Nasal or eye discharge
  9. Coughing
  10. Injury
  11. Excessive scratching, hair loss or rash
  12. Weakness
  13. Change in your pet’s normal behavior
  14. Anything that you are concerned about

You should also call your veterinarian for any advice you may have concerning your pet. This might include:

  1. Advice on getting a new pet
  2. Advice on nutrition
  3. Introducing a new pet to the household
  4. Introducing a pet to a baby
  5. Introducing a pet to new pet
  6. Advice on exercise and weight loss
  7. Behavior problems

Veterinarians have attended university for 8 years on average. They are a great resource for information about your pet and most veterinarians are happy to help. Please use your veterinarians as a source for the best information regarding your pet.