This is when your pet should see a veterinarian right away:
- Pale or blue gums
- Difficulty breathing
- Collapse
- Dizziness or circling
- Extreme bloated abdomen
- Severe weakness
- Seizures
- Sudden severe pain
- Severe bleeding
- Body temperature more then 40 °C or less than 37.2 °C
Please call your veterinarian if you see these things:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Not eating
- Any increase in eating, drinking, urinating or panting
- Very quiet
- Crying in pain
- Limping
- Nasal or eye discharge
- Coughing
- Injury
- Excessive scratching, hair loss or rash
- Weakness
- Change in your pet’s normal behavior
- Anything that you are concerned about
You should also call your veterinarian for any advice you may have concerning your pet. This might include:
- Advice on getting a new pet
- Advice on nutrition
- Introducing a new pet to the household
- Introducing a pet to a baby
- Introducing a pet to new pet
- Advice on exercise and weight loss
- Behavior problems
Veterinarians have attended university for 8 years on average. They are a great resource for information about your pet and most veterinarians are happy to help. Please use your veterinarians as a source for the best information regarding your pet.
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