Nutrition and Your Pet – Responsible Pet Ownership

Some Risks of Poor Nutrition Diabetes, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, bladder stones - no, these aren’t illnesses that only humans experience, they’re also some of the negative consequences of obesity in pets. And just like with human health, they can sadly also shorten a pet’s lifespan. Proper nutrition and exercise are important steps to prevent excessive [...]

A New Year, A New Dog (Weight Loss Resolution)

Have your pets made any Resolutions for the New Year? I think that Daisy’s is to get even more cuddles than last year, and Sprocket? Well, he hasn’t let me know but I’m hoping that it’s to eat less socks and other odd things. It's not unusual for resolutions to be about becoming healthier and [...]

Ear Infections in pets

One of the most frustrating things that my clients complain about is the pet who can not stop scratching his ear.  They will scratch all night keeping everyone awake.  No one is comfortable and most definitely the pet. The most likely reason for this is an ear infection.  This occurs when the yeast and bacteria [...]

Dermatitis or The Itchy Dog

As the weather becomes colder here in Southern Ontario I am seeing fewer itchy dogs, however there are those who do not find relief from this annual freeze. The itchy dog is one of the most frustrating types of patients in my profession. The dog is uncomfortable and finds it hard to find relief [...]

Have Fun in the Sun but Beware of Summer Hazards

Do we really need to be reminded that dogs shouldn’t be left in cars in the summer? I wish we didn’t but unfortunately there are still deaths and hospitalizations occurring from this very thing. In this article I will discuss this as well as some other summer hazards and what we can do to prevent [...]

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